Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September already?

Wow how the summer has flown by....I realized at work last night that school starts today. Thankfully I don't have any kids in school yet, but wow, summer is over. Since I started working it seems like time is going by faster. I have less time at home with Matt and the girls because I'm working almost all day every weekend. I'm trying to not let it bother me since we really need the money, but I feel like I'm missing my girls growing up. Emma will be 2 and a half next month and Isabella turns 1 in 2 short months.

A quick update on the girls...Emma is still working on potty training but is really more interested in playing and talking than the potty chair. She is very petite still...only weighing 26 pounds and only tall enough for 18 month size pants. Isabella on the other hand weighs 22 pounds and is only about 3-4 inches shorter than Emma. She is 9 and a half months right now and is almost walking! She can stand up by herself and will turn and kind of take a few steps, but isn't quite there yet. Emma is also mastering the alphabet and is starting to spell small words. She knows most of her colors and can count to 10. I guess she will just be my genius midget.

My dad will be here to visit in a few weeks so I hope to have all the pictures organized by then, but keep in mind my hours have doubled at work lately since people have gone back to school. So I will do what I can on my days off.

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