Wednesday, December 10, 2008

15 days til christmas....

Well now that it's almost Christmas I guess I should post a Happy December! It has been an eventful past few weeks. We had Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma's house and then I had to work at 4:30 the next morning. I've basically been working the past few weeks until last weekend.

I went to put Isabella down for her nap and my back decided to stop working. Thankfully I dropped her in her crib and she stayed asleep! I then spent 10 minutes trying to crawl out of her room. Once I made it to the living room I grabbed the phone and called matt to come home since I couldn't stand up. Of course this whole time Emma was afraid and starting to cry because I was sobbing and couldn't get up. A few hours later I was able to stand and take a few steps and Matt took me to the chiropracter. He confirmed what I had suspected I had a severly pinched nerve in my lower back. Now I must say this happened on Friday and it is now Wednesday and I am still in pain. Matt was gone Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday for training so I had to do all the picking up of the girls, so I don't know if that added to me still being in pain, but I am. This has been worse than childbirth!

I have also been trying to get a good picture of the girls for a Christmas card, but I don't know if that's going to happen. Isabella does NOT sit still for longer than 2.3 seconds! On the other hand Emma is very good at posing for pictures now so I do get good pictures of her. So we shall see if I can get a picture together to send out cards before Christmas. I am running out of time now though. Here are a few of the blooper shots. Hope everyone is doing well and getting geared up for the holidays.

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