Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day?

Well we were supposed to get some huge ice/freezing rain/ snowstorm last night and this morning with 5-12 inches accumulation...didn't happen. We had some sort of freezing drizzle from 3 am until about 8 am and some snow after that, but the roads were still ok enough for school. The 3 schools here within 10 miles of our house were the only 3 schools in a 60-70 mile radius that were open! So Matt went to work and now I get to work tonight until 11:45. I also got my schedule for next week and I have a whopping 33 hours! So my only 2 days off are Monday and Christmas. I did tell them I could work on Matt's days off, so I guess it's my fault. I'm not complaining too much though since hours will be drastically cut the second week in January.

The girls are both doing good. Emma is actually understanding the concept of Santa bringing presents. The only thing she wants is a sucker...if I had only known that before I got her a ton of stuff! I am more excited for Christmas this year because the girls are old enough to maybe enjoy opening presents and playing together Christmas morning. These are a few pictures from the last snow storm we got before Thanksgiving. Isabella looks a little unsure about the whole snowsuit and about the sled, but I assure you all she was squealing while we pulled her on the sled.

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