Thursday, May 1, 2008

Welcome/Happy May

Matt and I have talked about doing one of these for a while and I've finally gotten around to actually making one. We decided this would be the best way to keep people updated on what's going on with our family.

Matt is still at Whirlpool but is in a new building/department. He really likes what he is doing and his new boss. He's staying busy working on the yard and finishing up projects on the house.

Emma turned 2 on April 18th and is a very busy toddler. The "terrible" two's started around the time we brought Isabella home from the hospital and they aren't showing signs of stopping yet. She is very independent, but loves to get hugs all the time. She is really starting to talk non-stop now and will try and repeat everything you say. Now that the weather is getting warmer she really likes going out to swing or play in the dirt. We were supposed to get her a swing set/jungle gym for her birthday, but the weather was bad and we couldn't get it in time, so hopefully we will get it in the next few weeks.

Isabella (Ella) is a few days away from being 6 months old and is the best baby in the world. She is so happy and the best part is she doesn't have reflux like Emma did. The only time she fusses is when she's hungry. She is doing things much sooner than Emma did too. She's being rolling all over since about 4 months and she has been wearing 6-9 month clothes since then too! She is a very long girl and I think she'll be taller than me. I also think when she turns 1 that her and Emma will be about the same size and people will think they are twins. She is also getting ready to crawl. She likes to get up on her hands and almost her knees and starts to wiggle. Her bottom 2 teeth have also broken through and are getting bigger everyday.

I (Amber) am keeping busy with the girls and taking care of the house. We finished up the half bathroom and only have a few projects left around the house. I have now officially painted every room in this house at least once. I'm looking forward to getting out and walking with the girls in the new double stroller.

Well Ella is waking up from her nap, so I think that is enough of an update for now. As always new pictures are on the Picasa website:

1 comment:

Thompson Family said...

Hi Amber! Nice to see everything is going good with your family. I'm not far away from you, perhaps sometime we should take the girls on a walk together. Emily is seven months and the others are in school (not for long though).